
Select Triplex in Lassomption, Quebec!
Residential properties for Sale in Lassomption, Quebec

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Triplex, Detached
345-349 Rue St-Etienne
Lassomption, Quebec
Property Description: Batiment historique convertit en triplex. La maison LeSanche a plus de 200 ans donc elle est classee par la municipalite au patrimoine culturel,...

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Triplex, Detached
370-374 Boul. De Lange-Gardien
Lassomption, Quebec
Property Description: Semi-commercial detached triplex, located on commercial, busy city street. Including (2) residential units and (1) commercial unit. So the...

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Triplex, Detached
1104-1108 Rue Remi-Lachance
Lassomption, Quebec
Property Description: Splendide TRIPLEX entierement renove a l'interieur et briquele au complet a l'exterieur. Grands 4 1/2 avec 2 grandes chambres, dont celle des...

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Triplex, Detached
883-887 Boul. Lafortune
Lassomption, Quebec
Property Description: Ideal pour investisseurs ou proprietaire occupant!Super localisation a proximite de tous services, tels: magasins, restos, le theatre Hector...
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