Sort by City: Select the City Acton Addington Highlands Adjala-Tosorontio Alexandria Alfred Algonquin Highlands Alliston Almonte Alnwick-Haldimand Amaranth Ameliasburgh Ameliasburgh Township Amherstburg Amherstview Ancaster Angus Annan Apple Hill Apsley Archipelago Arden Arnprior Arthur Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Ashton Asphodel-Norwood Asphodel-Norwood Twp Athens Athens Twp Aylmer Ayr Azilda Baden Bainsville Bala Bancroft Barrie Barrys Bay Bath Bayfield Bayham Baysville Beachburg Beamsville Beckwith Belle River Belleville Belwood Bentinck Twp Binbrook Blenheim Bluewater Bobcaygeon Bonfield Bothwell Bracebridge Brampton Brant Brantford Brechin Breslau Brighton Brockton Brockville Buckhorn Burks Falls Burlington Calabogie Caledon Caledonia Callander Cambridge Cameron Campbellford Capreol Cardinal Carleton Place Carling Carlisle Carp Casselman Cavan Monaghan Cavan-Monaghan Cayuga Central Elgin Central Frontenac Central Frontenac Township Central Huron Centre Wellington Chalk River Chatham Chatham-Kent Chatsworth Chelmsford Cherry Valley Chesley City Of Kawartha Lakes Clarence-Rockland Clarksburg Clearview Clinton Cloyne Cobden Cobourg Colborne Colchester Coldwater Collingwood Cornwall Cramahe Crysler Crystal Beach Cumberland Deep River Delhi Delta Deseronto Dorchester Dorset Douro-Dummer Drayton Dresden Dundas Dunnville Dunsford Durham Dutton-Dunwich Dwight East Garafraxa East Luther Grand Valley East Zorra-Tavistock Eganville Elliot Lake Elmira Elmvale Elora Embro Embrun Ennismore Township Erin Espanola Essa Essex Etobicoke Exeter Fenelon Falls Fenwick Fergus Flamborough Fonthill Fort Erie Frankford French River Galway-Cavendish and Harvey Gananoque Garson Georgetown Georgian Bay Georgian Bay Twp Georgian Bluffs Glanbrook Glencoe Gloucester Goderich Golden Lake Grafton Grand Bend Gravenhurst Greater Napanee Greater Sudbury Greely Grey Highlands Grimsby Guelph Guelph-Eramosa Hagersville Haldimand Haldimand County Haldimand Twp Haliburton Halton Halton Hills Hamilton Hamilton Township Hamilton Twp Hanmer Hanover Harriston Harrow Hastings Hastings Highlands Havelock Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Twp Hawkesbury Hawkestone Highlands East Huntsville Ilderton Ingersoll Ingleside Innerkip Innisfil Iroquois Jasper Kanata Kawartha Lakes Kearney Kemble Kemptville Kettle Point Kilworth Kinburn Kincardine Kincardine Twp Kingston Kingsville Kirkfield Kitchener Komoka Lake Of Bays Lakefield Lakeshore Lambton Shores Lanark Lancaster Lasalle Leamington Leeds Leeds and 1000 Islands Levack Limoges Lincoln Lindsay Lions Head Listowel Little Britain Little Current Lively Lombardy London Long Point Long Sault Lorignal Loring Lot 5 Emerald Crs Lowbanks Loyalist Lucan Lyndhurst Mactier Madoc Magnetawan Malahide Mallorytown Manitoulin Island Manotick Mapleton Markdale Markstay Marmora Marmora and Lake Massey Mattawa Maxville Mcdougall Mcgregor Mckellar Meaford Melancthon Merrickville Metcalfe Midhurst Midland Millbrook Village Milton Milverton Minden Minden Hills Minesing Minto Mississauga Mitchell Moonstone Mount Brydges Mount Forest Mount Hope Mulmur Munic Muskoka Lakes Napanee Nepean New Hamburg New Lowell Newmarket Niagara Falls Niagara-On-The-Lake Norfolk Norfolk County North Bay North Dumfries North Gower North Kawartha Twp North Lancaster North Middlesex North Perth Northern Bruce Peninsula Norwich Norwood Oakville Odessa Omemee Orillia Orleans Oro-Medonte Osgoode Oshawa Otonabee Otonabee-South Monaghan Ottawa Owen Sound Pakenham Palmerston Paris Parry Sound Pelham Pembroke Penetanguishene Perry Perth Perth East Perth South Petawawa Peterborough Petrolia Picton Plantagenet Plympton-Wyoming Port Carling Port Colborne Port Dover Port Elgin Port Hope Port Mcnicoll Port Rowan Port Severn Port Stanley Port Sydney Portland Powassan Prescott Prince Edward Prince Edward County Puslinch Quinte West Ramara Ramara Township Ramara Twp Renfrew Richmond Rideau Lakes Rideau Lakes Twp Ridgetown Ridgeway Rockland Rockwood Rodney Roseneath Russell Sarnia Sauble Beach Saugeen Indian Reserve #29 Saugeen Shores Sault Ste Marie Sault Ste. Marie Scarborough Scotland Seaforth Sebright Seguin Selkirk Selwyn Severn Severn Bridge Severn Twp Sharbot Lake Shelburne Simcoe Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield Smiths Falls Smithville South Bruce Peninsula South Frontenac South Glengarry South Mountain South River Southampton Southwest Middlesex Springwater St Clair St. Catharines St. Charles St. George St. Marys St. Thomas St. Williams Stayner Stevensville Stirling Stirling-Rawdon Stittsville Stone Mills Stoney Creek Stratford Strathroy Strathroy-Caradoc Sturgeon Falls Sudbury Sundridge Sweaburg Tavistock Tay Tay Twp Tecumseh Teeswater Temagami Thamesford The Blue Mountains Thornbury Thorndale Thorold Thunder Bay Tichborne Tilbury Tilbury North Tillsonburg Timmins Tiny Tiny Twp Tobermory Toronto Trent Hills Trent Lakes Trenton Turkey Point Tweed Twp Tyendinaga Val Caron Vankleek Hill Vaughan Victoria Harbour Vineland Wainfleet Walkerton Wallaceburg Warminster Wasaga Beach Washago Waterdown Waterford Waterloo Waubaushene Week 9 Road Welland Wellesley Wellington Wellington North Wendover West Grey West Lincoln West Lorne West Nipissing Westport Wheatley Whitby Williamsburg Wilmot Township Winchester Windham Centre Windsor Wingham Woodstock Woolwich Wyoming Zurich
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House, Detached-2 Level
1442 Miles Shore Road E Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: STONEY LAKE - 250 ft of the best water frontage on upper Stoney. This 3 season cottage is a rare find with boathouse and lots of character and...
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House, Detached
64 Regent Street Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: Century home in the Village of Lakefield. This lovely 1 storey home is situated within a block of Lakefields main street for shopping,...
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House, Detached-Bungalow
4876 Highway 28 Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: LEASED LAND - with Parks Canada on Perrys Creek which flows in Lower Stony Lake. Cozy 3 bedroom, 650 sq ft., 3 seasonal cottage perch over a water...
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House, Detached
1920 County Road 6 Road Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: Country living at it's finest! Old-fashioned character along with contemporary modern updates with everything needed on the main level plus extra...
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House, Detached
10 Regent Street Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: The Village of Lakefield is Calling You! This two storey, 4 bedroom century home is situated on a gorgeous landscaped lot with perennials galore....
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House, Detached-Bungalow
2577 Tedford Drive Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: Be ready for the 2020 Cottage season! Stoney Lake - this bright and cozy family cottage is situated at the end of a quiet inlet surrounded by...
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House, Detached-2 Level, Bungalow
682 Hamilton Drive Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: Stony Lake, custom built lake house. Upon opening the front door you are greeted with a panoramic view of Stony Lake. Unique floor plan, perfect...
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House, Detached
105 Clementi Street Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: Unbelievable opportunity in the village of Lakefield with the current zoning being R2-11 meaning Single family, Duplex, or Bed and Breakfast. This...
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House, Detached-Bungalow
105 Hulls Road Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: Solid brick bungalow on sought after Stoney Lake. Year round paved road makes for easy access. Stunning lake views. sandy beach- prime waterfront...
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House, Detached-Bungalow
19 Lakeview Road Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: Stoney Lake, 3 season cottage on level/gently sloping lot (perfect for walk out basement)! Well cared for 3 bedroom cottage with vaulted ceilings,...
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House, Detached-Bungalow
3153 Fire Route 53 Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: Clear Lake the perfect family cottage. Charming traditional cottage with original finishes plus newer addition. 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms,...
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House, Detached
890 Birchview Road Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: Clear Lake. This beautifully designed and constructed lake house sits on a private, treed lot with an amazing view of Clear Lake. It offers...
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House, Detached-Raised bungalow
2706 Lands End Lane Lakefield, Ontario
Property Description: Stoney Lake at its finest! Amazing Canadian Shield views of granite and tall white pines across the bay in this serene setting without the boat...
Sort by City: Select the City Acton Addington Highlands Adjala-Tosorontio Alexandria Alfred Algonquin Highlands Alliston Almonte Alnwick-Haldimand Amaranth Ameliasburgh Ameliasburgh Township Amherstburg Amherstview Ancaster Angus Annan Apple Hill Apsley Archipelago Arden Arnprior Arthur Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Ashton Asphodel-Norwood Asphodel-Norwood Twp Athens Athens Twp Aylmer Ayr Azilda Baden Bainsville Bala Bancroft Barrie Barrys Bay Bath Bayfield Bayham Baysville Beachburg Beamsville Beckwith Belle River Belleville Belwood Bentinck Twp Binbrook Blenheim Bluewater Bobcaygeon Bonfield Bothwell Bracebridge Brampton Brant Brantford Brechin Breslau Brighton Brockton Brockville Buckhorn Burks Falls Burlington Calabogie Caledon Caledonia Callander Cambridge Cameron Campbellford Capreol Cardinal Carleton Place Carling Carlisle Carp Casselman Cavan Monaghan Cavan-Monaghan Cayuga Central Elgin Central Frontenac Central Frontenac Township Central Huron Centre Wellington Chalk River Chatham Chatham-Kent Chatsworth Chelmsford Cherry Valley Chesley City Of Kawartha Lakes Clarence-Rockland Clarksburg Clearview Clinton Cloyne Cobden Cobourg Colborne Colchester Coldwater Collingwood Cornwall Cramahe Crysler Crystal Beach Cumberland Deep River Delhi Delta Deseronto Dorchester Dorset Douro-Dummer Drayton Dresden Dundas Dunnville Dunsford Durham Dutton-Dunwich Dwight East Garafraxa East Luther Grand Valley East Zorra-Tavistock Eganville Elliot Lake Elmira Elmvale Elora Embro Embrun Ennismore Township Erin Espanola Essa Essex Etobicoke Exeter Fenelon Falls Fenwick Fergus Flamborough Fonthill Fort Erie Frankford French River Galway-Cavendish and Harvey Gananoque Garson Georgetown Georgian Bay Georgian Bay Twp Georgian Bluffs Glanbrook Glencoe Gloucester Goderich Golden Lake Grafton Grand Bend Gravenhurst Greater Napanee Greater Sudbury Greely Grey Highlands Grimsby Guelph Guelph-Eramosa Hagersville Haldimand Haldimand County Haldimand Twp Haliburton Halton Halton Hills Hamilton Hamilton Township Hamilton Twp Hanmer Hanover Harriston Harrow Hastings Hastings Highlands Havelock Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Twp Hawkesbury Hawkestone Highlands East Huntsville Ilderton Ingersoll Ingleside Innerkip Innisfil Iroquois Jasper Kanata Kawartha Lakes Kearney Kemble Kemptville Kettle Point Kilworth Kinburn Kincardine Kincardine Twp Kingston Kingsville Kirkfield Kitchener Komoka Lake Of Bays Lakefield Lakeshore Lambton Shores Lanark Lancaster Lasalle Leamington Leeds Leeds and 1000 Islands Levack Limoges Lincoln Lindsay Lions Head Listowel Little Britain Little Current Lively Lombardy London Long Point Long Sault Lorignal Loring Lot 5 Emerald Crs Lowbanks Loyalist Lucan Lyndhurst Mactier Madoc Magnetawan Malahide Mallorytown Manitoulin Island Manotick Mapleton Markdale Markstay Marmora Marmora and Lake Massey Mattawa Maxville Mcdougall Mcgregor Mckellar Meaford Melancthon Merrickville Metcalfe Midhurst Midland Millbrook Village Milton Milverton Minden Minden Hills Minesing Minto Mississauga Mitchell Moonstone Mount Brydges Mount Forest Mount Hope Mulmur Munic Muskoka Lakes Napanee Nepean New Hamburg New Lowell Newmarket Niagara Falls Niagara-On-The-Lake Norfolk Norfolk County North Bay North Dumfries North Gower North Kawartha Twp North Lancaster North Middlesex North Perth Northern Bruce Peninsula Norwich Norwood Oakville Odessa Omemee Orillia Orleans Oro-Medonte Osgoode Oshawa Otonabee Otonabee-South Monaghan Ottawa Owen Sound Pakenham Palmerston Paris Parry Sound Pelham Pembroke Penetanguishene Perry Perth Perth East Perth South Petawawa Peterborough Petrolia Picton Plantagenet Plympton-Wyoming Port Carling Port Colborne Port Dover Port Elgin Port Hope Port Mcnicoll Port Rowan Port Severn Port Stanley Port Sydney Portland Powassan Prescott Prince Edward Prince Edward County Puslinch Quinte West Ramara Ramara Township Ramara Twp Renfrew Richmond Rideau Lakes Rideau Lakes Twp Ridgetown Ridgeway Rockland Rockwood Rodney Roseneath Russell Sarnia Sauble Beach Saugeen Indian Reserve #29 Saugeen Shores Sault Ste Marie Sault Ste. Marie Scarborough Scotland Seaforth Sebright Seguin Selkirk Selwyn Severn Severn Bridge Severn Twp Sharbot Lake Shelburne Simcoe Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield Smiths Falls Smithville South Bruce Peninsula South Frontenac South Glengarry South Mountain South River Southampton Southwest Middlesex Springwater St Clair St. Catharines St. Charles St. George St. Marys St. Thomas St. Williams Stayner Stevensville Stirling Stirling-Rawdon Stittsville Stone Mills Stoney Creek Stratford Strathroy Strathroy-Caradoc Sturgeon Falls Sudbury Sundridge Sweaburg Tavistock Tay Tay Twp Tecumseh Teeswater Temagami Thamesford The Blue Mountains Thornbury Thorndale Thorold Thunder Bay Tichborne Tilbury Tilbury North Tillsonburg Timmins Tiny Tiny Twp Tobermory Toronto Trent Hills Trent Lakes Trenton Turkey Point Tweed Twp Tyendinaga Val Caron Vankleek Hill Vaughan Victoria Harbour Vineland Wainfleet Walkerton Wallaceburg Warminster Wasaga Beach Washago Waterdown Waterford Waterloo Waubaushene Week 9 Road Welland Wellesley Wellington Wellington North Wendover West Grey West Lincoln West Lorne West Nipissing Westport Wheatley Whitby Williamsburg Wilmot Township Winchester Windham Centre Windsor Wingham Woodstock Woolwich Wyoming Zurich