Select House in Grafton, New Brunswick! Residential properties for Sale in Grafton, New Brunswick
Sort by City: Select the City Acadieville Aldouane Allardville Alma Ammon Anagance Apohaqui Atholville Baie Verte Baie-Sainte-Anne Baker Brook Balmoral Bas-Caraquet Bathurst Beaver Harbour Beaverdam Bedell Beechwood Belledune Beresford Bertrand Big River Black River Bridge Blackville Bloomfield Bouctouche Boudreau Boundary Creek Browns Yard Burton Burtts Corner Cambridge Narrows Cambridge-Narrows Campbellton Campobello Cap Pele Caraquet Carsonville Centreville Chamcook Charlo Charters Settlement Chipman Clair Cocagne Coles Island Cormier Village Dalhousie Darlings Island Dieppe Doaktown Dorchester Douglas Drummond Dsl De Drummond Dsl De Drummond-Dsl Of Drummond Dsl De Grand-Sault-Dsl Of Grand Falls Dunlop Durham Bridge Edmundston Eel River Crossing Elgin Fairfield Fairisle Florenceville-Bristol Fredericton Fredericton Junction Geary Glassville Grafton Grand Barachois Grand Bay-Westfield Grand Manan Grand Sault-Grand Falls Grand-Sault Grande Digue Grande-Digue Greenfield Greenhill Lake Hampton Hanwell Hartland Harvey Harvey Station Havelock Hillsborough Hoyt Irishtown Jacksonville Kedgwick Keswick Ridge Kiersteadville Killarney Road Kingston Lakeburn Lakeville Lameque Le Goulet Lincoln Little Ridge Lower Coverdale Lutes Mountain Maugerville Mcadam Mcintosh Hill Mcleod Hill Mcleods Mechanic Settlement Memramcook Midland Mill Cove Millville Minto Miramichi Miscou Moncton Nackawic Napan Nasonworth Neguac New Denmark New Maryland New Mills Nigadoo Noonan North Tetagouche Norton Notre Dame Oak Bay Oakland Oromocto Out Of Board Pennfield Penniac Penobsquis Perth-Andover Petit-Rocher Petitcodiac Petite-Lameque Pine Glen Plaster Rock Point La Nim Pointe Du Chene Pointe-Verte Port Elgin Princess Park Queenstown Quispamsis Renous Rexton Richibucto Richibucto Road Richibucto Village Riverview Rogersville Rothesay Rusagonis Sackville Saint Andre Saint Andrews Saint Jacques Saint John Saint Leonard Saint Leonard-Parent Saint Thomas Saint-Antoine Saint-Basile Saint-Jacques Saint-Leonard Saint-Quentin Sainte-Anne-De-Madawaska Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphael Salisbury Salt Springs Scotch Settlement Scoudouc Shediac Shediac Bridge Shediac Cape Shediac River Shippagan Somerville South Tetagouche Springfield St. Andrews St. Antoine St. George St. Louis-De-Kent St. Martins St. Paul St. Philippe St. Stephen Stanley Ste. Marie-De-Kent Strathadam Sunny Corner Sussex Sussex Corner Tide Head Tracadie Tracy Trois Ruisseaux Upham Upper Coverdale-Turtle Creek Upper Golden Grove Upper Kingsclear Village Blanchard Waasis Wakefield Wards Creek Waterford Waterville Whites Cove Whitney Willow Grove Woodstock Zealand
Show a short description of the House
House, 2 Level
4808 Route 105 Grafton, New Brunswick
Property Description: Classic two storey home with wraparound porch overlooking the St.John River. The location of this property is ideal as it is just moments from...
Sort by City: Select the City Acadieville Aldouane Allardville Alma Ammon Anagance Apohaqui Atholville Baie Verte Baie-Sainte-Anne Baker Brook Balmoral Bas-Caraquet Bathurst Beaver Harbour Beaverdam Bedell Beechwood Belledune Beresford Bertrand Big River Black River Bridge Blackville Bloomfield Bouctouche Boudreau Boundary Creek Browns Yard Burton Burtts Corner Cambridge Narrows Cambridge-Narrows Campbellton Campobello Cap Pele Caraquet Carsonville Centreville Chamcook Charlo Charters Settlement Chipman Clair Cocagne Coles Island Cormier Village Dalhousie Darlings Island Dieppe Doaktown Dorchester Douglas Drummond Dsl De Drummond Dsl De Drummond-Dsl Of Drummond Dsl De Grand-Sault-Dsl Of Grand Falls Dunlop Durham Bridge Edmundston Eel River Crossing Elgin Fairfield Fairisle Florenceville-Bristol Fredericton Fredericton Junction Geary Glassville Grafton Grand Barachois Grand Bay-Westfield Grand Manan Grand Sault-Grand Falls Grand-Sault Grande Digue Grande-Digue Greenfield Greenhill Lake Hampton Hanwell Hartland Harvey Harvey Station Havelock Hillsborough Hoyt Irishtown Jacksonville Kedgwick Keswick Ridge Kiersteadville Killarney Road Kingston Lakeburn Lakeville Lameque Le Goulet Lincoln Little Ridge Lower Coverdale Lutes Mountain Maugerville Mcadam Mcintosh Hill Mcleod Hill Mcleods Mechanic Settlement Memramcook Midland Mill Cove Millville Minto Miramichi Miscou Moncton Nackawic Napan Nasonworth Neguac New Denmark New Maryland New Mills Nigadoo Noonan North Tetagouche Norton Notre Dame Oak Bay Oakland Oromocto Out Of Board Pennfield Penniac Penobsquis Perth-Andover Petit-Rocher Petitcodiac Petite-Lameque Pine Glen Plaster Rock Point La Nim Pointe Du Chene Pointe-Verte Port Elgin Princess Park Queenstown Quispamsis Renous Rexton Richibucto Richibucto Road Richibucto Village Riverview Rogersville Rothesay Rusagonis Sackville Saint Andre Saint Andrews Saint Jacques Saint John Saint Leonard Saint Leonard-Parent Saint Thomas Saint-Antoine Saint-Basile Saint-Jacques Saint-Leonard Saint-Quentin Sainte-Anne-De-Madawaska Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphael Salisbury Salt Springs Scotch Settlement Scoudouc Shediac Shediac Bridge Shediac Cape Shediac River Shippagan Somerville South Tetagouche Springfield St. Andrews St. Antoine St. George St. Louis-De-Kent St. Martins St. Paul St. Philippe St. Stephen Stanley Ste. Marie-De-Kent Strathadam Sunny Corner Sussex Sussex Corner Tide Head Tracadie Tracy Trois Ruisseaux Upham Upper Coverdale-Turtle Creek Upper Golden Grove Upper Kingsclear Village Blanchard Waasis Wakefield Wards Creek Waterford Waterville Whites Cove Whitney Willow Grove Woodstock Zealand